Together for Better Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Assessment
Athmani Alla Eddine, Abdelhacine Gouasmia, Tiago Miguel Ferreira, Romeu Vicente, Asma Khemis (2015) Seismic vulnerability assessment of historical masonry buildings located in Annaba city (Algeria) using non ad-hoc data survey. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. Abstract.
Ayadi A. and M.Bezzeghoud (2015). Seismicity of Algeria from 1365 to 2013: Maximum Observed Intensity Map (MOI2014). Seismological Research Letter, Volume 86, Number 1. Abstract.
Bellalem F., M. A. Bounif, I. Koulakov (2015) P and S waves tomographic analysis of the area of El Asnam’s 1980 ms 7.3 earthquake (Algeria) from its aftershock sequence. Journal of Seismology.Abstract.
Bourenane Hamid, Youcef Bouhadad, Mohamed Said Guettouche, Massinissa Braham (2015). GIS-based landslide susceptibility zonation using bivariate statistical and expert approaches in the city of Constantine (Northeast Algeria). Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Abstract.
Bouyahiaoui B., F. Sage, A. Abtout, F. Klingelhoefer, K. Yelles-Chaouche, P. Schnürle, A. Marok, J. Déverchère, M. Arab, A. Galve and J.Y. Collot (2015). Crustal structure of the eastern Algerian continental margin and adjacent deep basin: implications for late Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the western Mediterranean. Abstract.
El Moudnib Lahcen, Antonio Villaseñor, Mimoun Harnafi, Josep Gallart, Antonio Pazos, Inmaculada Serrano, Diego Córdoba, Javier A. Pulgar, Pedro Ibarra, Mohammed M. Himmi, Mimoun Chourak (2015). Crustal structure of the Betic–Rif system, western Mediterranean, from local earthquake tomography. Tectonophysics. Abstract.
Hamai Lamine, Carole Petit, Abdeslem Abtout, Abdelkarim Yelles-Chaouche and Jacques Déverchère (2015). Flexural behaviour of the north Algerian margin and tectonic implications. Geophysical Journal International. Abstract.
Harbi Assia, Amal Sebaï, Manel Benmedjber, Farida Ousadou, Yasmina Rouchiche, Ahmed Grigahcene, Djamel Aïni, Seid Bourouis, Said Maouche, and Abdelhakim Ayadi (2015). The Algerian Homogenized Macroseismic Database (267–1989): A Deeper Insight into the Algerian Historical Seismicity. Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 6. Abstract. Go to the Algerian Macroseismic Database AMD.
Kibboua Abderrahmane, Hakim Bechtoula, Youcef Mehani, Mounir Naili (2015) Vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete bridge structures in Algiers using scenario earthquakes.Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. Abstract.
Louerguioui Soraya, Said Gaci , Naima Zaourar (2015) Irregularities of the ionospheric plasma and the ULF electric components obtained from DEMETER satellite experiments above Chile earthquake (27 February 2010). Arabian Journal of Geosciences Abstract.
Radi Zohir, Abdelkrim Yelles-Chaouche, Götz Bokelmann (2015) Seismic anisotropy of northeastern Algeria from shear-wave splitting analysis. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, doi:org/10.1016/j.tecto.2015.03.015 Abstract.
Novelli V. I., D. D’Ayala, N. Makhloufi, D. Benouar, A. Zekagh (2015). A procedure for the identification of the seismic vulnerability at territorial scale. Application to the Casbah of Algiers. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. Abstract.
Saleh Mohamed, Matthias Becker (2015) New constraints on the Nubia–Sinai–Dead Sea fault crustal motion. Tectonophysics, doi:org/10.1016/j.tecto.2015.03.015 Abstract.
Sawires R., J.A. Peláez, R.E. Fat-Helbary, H.A. Ibrahim and M.T. García Hernández (2015) An Updated Seismic Source Model for Egypt. INTECH Chapter. Abstract.
Sawires Rashad, Jose´ A. Pelaez, Raafat E. Fat-Helbary, Hamza A. Ibrahim (2015). A review of seismic hazard assessment studies and hazard description in the building codes for Egypt. Acta Geod Geophys. Abstract.
Semmane F., B. Y. N. Benabdeloued, H. Beldjoudi, and A. K. Yelles-Chaouche (2015) The 22 February 2014 Mw 4.1 Bordj-Menaïel Earthquake, Near Boumerdes-Zemmouri, North-Central Algeria. Seismological Research Letters, Volume 86, Number 3. Abstract.
Athmani Alla Eddine, Abdelhacine Gouasmia, Tiago Miguel Ferreira, Romeu Vicente, Asma Khemis (2015) Seismic vulnerability assessment of historical masonry buildings located in Annaba city (Algeria) using non ad-hoc data survey. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. Abstract.
Ayadi A. and M.Bezzeghoud (2015). Seismicity of Algeria from 1365 to 2013: Maximum Observed Intensity Map (MOI2014). Seismological Research Letter, Volume 86, Number 1. Abstract.
Bellalem F., M. A. Bounif, I. Koulakov (2015) P and S waves tomographic analysis of the area of El Asnam’s 1980 ms 7.3 earthquake (Algeria) from its aftershock sequence. Journal of Seismology.Abstract.
Bourenane Hamid, Youcef Bouhadad, Mohamed Said Guettouche, Massinissa Braham (2015). GIS-based landslide susceptibility zonation using bivariate statistical and expert approaches in the city of Constantine (Northeast Algeria). Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. Abstract.
Bouyahiaoui B., F. Sage, A. Abtout, F. Klingelhoefer, K. Yelles-Chaouche, P. Schnürle, A. Marok, J. Déverchère, M. Arab, A. Galve and J.Y. Collot (2015). Crustal structure of the eastern Algerian continental margin and adjacent deep basin: implications for late Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the western Mediterranean. Abstract.
El Moudnib Lahcen, Antonio Villaseñor, Mimoun Harnafi, Josep Gallart, Antonio Pazos, Inmaculada Serrano, Diego Córdoba, Javier A. Pulgar, Pedro Ibarra, Mohammed M. Himmi, Mimoun Chourak (2015). Crustal structure of the Betic–Rif system, western Mediterranean, from local earthquake tomography. Tectonophysics. Abstract.
Hamai Lamine, Carole Petit, Abdeslem Abtout, Abdelkarim Yelles-Chaouche and Jacques Déverchère (2015). Flexural behaviour of the north Algerian margin and tectonic implications. Geophysical Journal International. Abstract.
Harbi Assia, Amal Sebaï, Manel Benmedjber, Farida Ousadou, Yasmina Rouchiche, Ahmed Grigahcene, Djamel Aïni, Seid Bourouis, Said Maouche, and Abdelhakim Ayadi (2015). The Algerian Homogenized Macroseismic Database (267–1989): A Deeper Insight into the Algerian Historical Seismicity. Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 6. Abstract. Go to the Algerian Macroseismic Database AMD.
Kibboua Abderrahmane, Hakim Bechtoula, Youcef Mehani, Mounir Naili (2015) Vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete bridge structures in Algiers using scenario earthquakes.Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. Abstract.
Louerguioui Soraya, Said Gaci , Naima Zaourar (2015) Irregularities of the ionospheric plasma and the ULF electric components obtained from DEMETER satellite experiments above Chile earthquake (27 February 2010). Arabian Journal of Geosciences Abstract.
Radi Zohir, Abdelkrim Yelles-Chaouche, Götz Bokelmann (2015) Seismic anisotropy of northeastern Algeria from shear-wave splitting analysis. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, doi:org/10.1016/j.tecto.2015.03.015 Abstract.
Novelli V. I., D. D’Ayala, N. Makhloufi, D. Benouar, A. Zekagh (2015). A procedure for the identification of the seismic vulnerability at territorial scale. Application to the Casbah of Algiers. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. Abstract.
Saleh Mohamed, Matthias Becker (2015) New constraints on the Nubia–Sinai–Dead Sea fault crustal motion. Tectonophysics, doi:org/10.1016/j.tecto.2015.03.015 Abstract.
Sawires R., J.A. Peláez, R.E. Fat-Helbary, H.A. Ibrahim and M.T. García Hernández (2015) An Updated Seismic Source Model for Egypt. INTECH Chapter. Abstract.
Sawires Rashad, Jose´ A. Pelaez, Raafat E. Fat-Helbary, Hamza A. Ibrahim (2015). A review of seismic hazard assessment studies and hazard description in the building codes for Egypt. Acta Geod Geophys. Abstract.
Semmane F., B. Y. N. Benabdeloued, H. Beldjoudi, and A. K. Yelles-Chaouche (2015) The 22 February 2014 Mw 4.1 Bordj-Menaïel Earthquake, Near Boumerdes-Zemmouri, North-Central Algeria. Seismological Research Letters, Volume 86, Number 3. Abstract.