Together for Better Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Assessment
Benouar D. (1996). Seismic hazard evaluation at Algiers using Benouar’s earthquake catalogue. Natural hazards, 13, 2, 119-131. Abstract.
Benouar D., Molas G. L. and Yamazaki F. (1996). Earthquake hazard mapping in the Maghreb countries: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 25, 1151-1164. Article.
Benouar Djillali and Nadir Laradi (1996). A reappraisal of the seismicity of the Maghreb countries-Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia. Natural Hazards, 13, 3, 275-296. Abstract.
Bezzeghoud M., Ayadi A., Sebaï A., Aït Messaoud M., Mokrane A. and Benhallou H. (1996). Seismicity of Algeria between 1365 and 1989: Map of Maximum Observed Intensities (MOI). Avances en Geofisica y Geodesia, vol. I, ano 1.
Hussein H.M, Korrat I. M., Abdl Fattah A. K. (1996). The october 12, 1992 Cairo earthquake multiple shock. Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 30, 9-21. Abstract.
Korrat I.M, Ibrahim E.M., Shrief R. M., Abou Elenean K. M. (1996). Earthquake mechanisms in the eastern Mediterranean region and their tectonic implications. Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 30, 29-44. Abstract.
Meghraoui M., Doumaz F. (1996). Earthquake-induced flooding and paleoseismicity of the El Asnam, Algeria fault-related fold. JGR, 101, B8, 17,617-17,644. Abstract.
Meghraoui M., Morel J.L., Andrieux J., Dahmani M. (1996). Tectonique plio-quaternaire de la chaine tello-rifaine et de la mer d'Alboran. Une zone complexe de convergence continent-continent. BSGF, 167, 1.
Morel J.L., Meghraoui M. (1996). Goringe-Alboran-Tell tectonic zone: A transpression system along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary. Geology, 24, 8, 755-758. Abstract.
Seber D. Barazangi M, Ibenbrahim A. & Demnati A. (1996). Geophysical evidence for lithospheric delamination beneath the Alboran Sea and Rif-Betic mountains. Nature, 379, 785-790. Abstract.
Seber D. Barazangi M, Tadili B.A., Ramdani M., Ibenbrahim A. Bensari D (1996). Three dimensional upper mantle beneath the intraplate Atlas and intraplate Rif mountains of Morocco. JGR, 101, B2, 3125-3138. Abstract.
Calvert A., Gomez F. Seber D. Barazangi M., Jabour N., Ibenbrahim A. and Demnati A. (1997). An integrated geophysical investigation of recent seismicity in the Al-Hoceima region of North Morocco. BSSA, 87, 3, 637-651. Abstract.
Chiarabba C., Amato A., Meghraoui M. (1997) Tomogrpahy images of the El Asnam fault zone and the evolution of a seismogenic thrust-related fold. JGR, 102, B11, 24,485-24,498. Abstract.
Cinti F. R., Cucci L., Pantosti D., D'Addezio G., Meghraoui M. (1997). A major seismogenic fault in a 'silent area': the Castrovillari fault (southern Appennines, Italy). GJI, 130, 3, 595-605. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.1997.tb01855.x
Lammmali K., Bezzeghoud M., Oussadou F., Dimitrov D., Benhallou H. (1997). Post seismic deformation at El Asnam (Algeria) in the seismotectonic context of northwestern Algeria. Geophysical Journal International, 129, 3, 597-612. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.1997.tb04496.x.
Plafcan D., Sandvol E., Seber D., Barazangi M., Ibenbrahim A. and Cherkaoui T-E. (1997). Regional discrimination of chemical explosions and earthquakes: A case study in Morocco. JGR, v. 87; no. 5; p. 1126-1139. Abstract.
Basil R., Bosi V, Galadini F., Galli P., Meghraoui M., Messina P., Moro M., Sposato A. (1998). The Colfiorito earthquake sequence of Septeber-October 1997: Surface breaks and seismotectonic implications for the central Appennine (Italy). Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2, 2, 292-302. Abstract.
El Alami S. O., Tadili B. A. Cherkaoui, T. E., Medina F., Ramdani M., Brahim L. A., Harnafi, M. (1998). The Al Hoceima earthquake of May 26, 1994 and its aftershocks: a seismotectonic study. Annals of Geophysics. Abstract.
Hamdache M., Bezzeghoud M., Mokrane A. (1998). Estimation of seismic hazard parameters in the Northern part of Algeria. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 151, 1, 101-117. Abstract.
Maouche S., D. Benouar, A. Harbi & H. Benahallou (1998). The Algiers (Algeria) earthquake of 4 September 1996. International Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, vol. XII, N°1.
Badawy, A. and Horváth, F. (1999). Recent stress field of the Sinai subplate region. Tectonophysics, 304 (4): 385-403. Abstract.
Badawy A. and Horváth F. (1999). Seismicity of the Sinai subplate region: Kinematic implications. J. Geodynamics, 27(4-5): 451-468. Abstract.
Badawy A. and Horváth F. (1999). Sinai subplate and kinematic evolution of the northern Red Sea. J. Geodynamics, 27(4-5): 433-450. Abstract.
Bezzeghoud M. & E. Buforn (1999). Source parameters of the 1992 Mellila (Spain, Mw 4.8), 1994 Al Hoceima (Morocco, Mw 5.8) and 1994 (Mascara, Mw 5.7) earthquakes and seismotectonic implications. BSSA, 89, 2, 359-372. Abstract.
Harbi A., S. Maouche & A. Ayadi (1999). Neotectonic and associate seismicity in the Eastern Tellian Atlas of Algeria. Journal of Seismology 3(1): 95-104. Abstract.
Meghraoui M., Outtani F., Choukri A., Frizon de Lamotte D. (1999) Coastal tectonics across the south Atlas thrust front and the Agadir active zone, Morocco. Geological Society, London, 146, 239-253. Abstract.
Meghraoui M., Bosi V. , Camelbeeck T. (1999) Fault fragment control in the 1997 Umbria-Marche, central Italy, earthquake sequence. GRL, 26, 8, 1069-1072. Abstract.
Vanneste K., Meghraoui M., Camelbeeck T. (1999) Late quaternary earthquake-related soft-sediment deformation along the Belgian portion of the Feldbiss Fault, Lower Rhine Graben system. Tectonophysics, 309, 1-4, 57-79. doi:10.1016/S0040-1951(01)00075-0.
Atakan K., Midzi V., Moreno Toiran B., Vanneste K., Camelbeeck T., Meghraoui M. (2000) Seismic hazard in regions of present day low seismic activity: uncertainties in the paleoseismic investigations along the Bree fault scarp (Roer Graben, Belgium). SDEE, 20, 5-8, 415-427.doi:10.1016/S0267-7261(00)00081-6.
Badawy, A. (2000) P-wave spectra of the Füzesgyarmat, Eastern Hungary, earthquake sequence. J. Seismology 4 (1): 49-58.Abstract.
Bouhadad Youcef (2000). Probabilistic seismic hazard in the Beni-Chougrane (Western Algeria) region. European Earthquake Engineering, XIV, 3, 82-87.
Calvert A., Sandvol E., Barazangi M., Roecker S., Mourabit T., Vidal F., Alguacil G., Jabour N. (2000). Geodynamic evolution of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Alboran region of the western Mediterranean: Constraints travel time tomography. JGR, vol. 105, p. 10871-10898. Abstract.
Calvert A., Sandvol E., Seber D., Barazangi M., Vidal F., Alguacil G., Jabour N. (2000). Propagation of regional seismic phase (Lg and Sn) and Pn velocity along the Africa-Iberia plate bounadary zone: tectonic implications. GJI, 142, 2, 384-408. Abstract.
Calvert A., Sandvol E., Seber D., Barazangi M., Roecker S., Mourabit T., Vidal F., Alguacil G. Jabour N. (2000). Geodynamic evolution of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Alboran region of the western Mediterranean: Constraints from travel time tomography. JGR, 105, B5, 10871-10898. Abstract.
Camelbeeck T., Alexandre P., Vanneste K. and Meghraoui M. (2000) Long-term seismicity in regions of present day low seismic activity: the example of western Europe. Soil dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 20, 5-8, 405-414. doi:10.1016/S0267-7261(00)00080-4.
Meghraoui M., Camelbeeck T, Vanneste K., Brondel M., Jongmans D. (2000). Active faulting and paleoseismology along the Bree fault, lower Rhine Graben, Belgium. JGR, 105, B6, 13,809-13,841. Abstract.
Mridekh Abdelaziz , El Arbi Toto, Mohamed Hafid and Abdelmajid El Ouataoui (2000). Structure sismique de la plate-forme Atlantique au large d'Agadir (Maroc sud-occidental)Atlantic shelf seismic structure to the large of Agadir (Southwest Morocco). Comptes Rendus Geosciences. 331, 5, 387-392. doi:10.1016/S1251-8050(00)01422-1.
Benouar D. (1996). Seismic hazard evaluation at Algiers using Benouar’s earthquake catalogue. Natural hazards, 13, 2, 119-131. Abstract.
Benouar D., Molas G. L. and Yamazaki F. (1996). Earthquake hazard mapping in the Maghreb countries: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 25, 1151-1164. Article.
Benouar Djillali and Nadir Laradi (1996). A reappraisal of the seismicity of the Maghreb countries-Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia. Natural Hazards, 13, 3, 275-296. Abstract.
Bezzeghoud M., Ayadi A., Sebaï A., Aït Messaoud M., Mokrane A. and Benhallou H. (1996). Seismicity of Algeria between 1365 and 1989: Map of Maximum Observed Intensities (MOI). Avances en Geofisica y Geodesia, vol. I, ano 1.
Hussein H.M, Korrat I. M., Abdl Fattah A. K. (1996). The october 12, 1992 Cairo earthquake multiple shock. Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 30, 9-21. Abstract.
Korrat I.M, Ibrahim E.M., Shrief R. M., Abou Elenean K. M. (1996). Earthquake mechanisms in the eastern Mediterranean region and their tectonic implications. Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 30, 29-44. Abstract.
Meghraoui M., Doumaz F. (1996). Earthquake-induced flooding and paleoseismicity of the El Asnam, Algeria fault-related fold. JGR, 101, B8, 17,617-17,644. Abstract.
Meghraoui M., Morel J.L., Andrieux J., Dahmani M. (1996). Tectonique plio-quaternaire de la chaine tello-rifaine et de la mer d'Alboran. Une zone complexe de convergence continent-continent. BSGF, 167, 1.
Morel J.L., Meghraoui M. (1996). Goringe-Alboran-Tell tectonic zone: A transpression system along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary. Geology, 24, 8, 755-758. Abstract.
Seber D. Barazangi M, Ibenbrahim A. & Demnati A. (1996). Geophysical evidence for lithospheric delamination beneath the Alboran Sea and Rif-Betic mountains. Nature, 379, 785-790. Abstract.
Seber D. Barazangi M, Tadili B.A., Ramdani M., Ibenbrahim A. Bensari D (1996). Three dimensional upper mantle beneath the intraplate Atlas and intraplate Rif mountains of Morocco. JGR, 101, B2, 3125-3138. Abstract.
Calvert A., Gomez F. Seber D. Barazangi M., Jabour N., Ibenbrahim A. and Demnati A. (1997). An integrated geophysical investigation of recent seismicity in the Al-Hoceima region of North Morocco. BSSA, 87, 3, 637-651. Abstract.
Chiarabba C., Amato A., Meghraoui M. (1997) Tomogrpahy images of the El Asnam fault zone and the evolution of a seismogenic thrust-related fold. JGR, 102, B11, 24,485-24,498. Abstract.
Cinti F. R., Cucci L., Pantosti D., D'Addezio G., Meghraoui M. (1997). A major seismogenic fault in a 'silent area': the Castrovillari fault (southern Appennines, Italy). GJI, 130, 3, 595-605. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.1997.tb01855.x
Lammmali K., Bezzeghoud M., Oussadou F., Dimitrov D., Benhallou H. (1997). Post seismic deformation at El Asnam (Algeria) in the seismotectonic context of northwestern Algeria. Geophysical Journal International, 129, 3, 597-612. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.1997.tb04496.x.
Plafcan D., Sandvol E., Seber D., Barazangi M., Ibenbrahim A. and Cherkaoui T-E. (1997). Regional discrimination of chemical explosions and earthquakes: A case study in Morocco. JGR, v. 87; no. 5; p. 1126-1139. Abstract.
Basil R., Bosi V, Galadini F., Galli P., Meghraoui M., Messina P., Moro M., Sposato A. (1998). The Colfiorito earthquake sequence of Septeber-October 1997: Surface breaks and seismotectonic implications for the central Appennine (Italy). Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2, 2, 292-302. Abstract.
El Alami S. O., Tadili B. A. Cherkaoui, T. E., Medina F., Ramdani M., Brahim L. A., Harnafi, M. (1998). The Al Hoceima earthquake of May 26, 1994 and its aftershocks: a seismotectonic study. Annals of Geophysics. Abstract.
Hamdache M., Bezzeghoud M., Mokrane A. (1998). Estimation of seismic hazard parameters in the Northern part of Algeria. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 151, 1, 101-117. Abstract.
Maouche S., D. Benouar, A. Harbi & H. Benahallou (1998). The Algiers (Algeria) earthquake of 4 September 1996. International Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, vol. XII, N°1.
Badawy, A. and Horváth, F. (1999). Recent stress field of the Sinai subplate region. Tectonophysics, 304 (4): 385-403. Abstract.
Badawy A. and Horváth F. (1999). Seismicity of the Sinai subplate region: Kinematic implications. J. Geodynamics, 27(4-5): 451-468. Abstract.
Badawy A. and Horváth F. (1999). Sinai subplate and kinematic evolution of the northern Red Sea. J. Geodynamics, 27(4-5): 433-450. Abstract.
Bezzeghoud M. & E. Buforn (1999). Source parameters of the 1992 Mellila (Spain, Mw 4.8), 1994 Al Hoceima (Morocco, Mw 5.8) and 1994 (Mascara, Mw 5.7) earthquakes and seismotectonic implications. BSSA, 89, 2, 359-372. Abstract.
Harbi A., S. Maouche & A. Ayadi (1999). Neotectonic and associate seismicity in the Eastern Tellian Atlas of Algeria. Journal of Seismology 3(1): 95-104. Abstract.
Meghraoui M., Outtani F., Choukri A., Frizon de Lamotte D. (1999) Coastal tectonics across the south Atlas thrust front and the Agadir active zone, Morocco. Geological Society, London, 146, 239-253. Abstract.
Meghraoui M., Bosi V. , Camelbeeck T. (1999) Fault fragment control in the 1997 Umbria-Marche, central Italy, earthquake sequence. GRL, 26, 8, 1069-1072. Abstract.
Vanneste K., Meghraoui M., Camelbeeck T. (1999) Late quaternary earthquake-related soft-sediment deformation along the Belgian portion of the Feldbiss Fault, Lower Rhine Graben system. Tectonophysics, 309, 1-4, 57-79. doi:10.1016/S0040-1951(01)00075-0.
Atakan K., Midzi V., Moreno Toiran B., Vanneste K., Camelbeeck T., Meghraoui M. (2000) Seismic hazard in regions of present day low seismic activity: uncertainties in the paleoseismic investigations along the Bree fault scarp (Roer Graben, Belgium). SDEE, 20, 5-8, 415-427.doi:10.1016/S0267-7261(00)00081-6.
Badawy, A. (2000) P-wave spectra of the Füzesgyarmat, Eastern Hungary, earthquake sequence. J. Seismology 4 (1): 49-58.Abstract.
Bouhadad Youcef (2000). Probabilistic seismic hazard in the Beni-Chougrane (Western Algeria) region. European Earthquake Engineering, XIV, 3, 82-87.
Calvert A., Sandvol E., Barazangi M., Roecker S., Mourabit T., Vidal F., Alguacil G., Jabour N. (2000). Geodynamic evolution of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Alboran region of the western Mediterranean: Constraints travel time tomography. JGR, vol. 105, p. 10871-10898. Abstract.
Calvert A., Sandvol E., Seber D., Barazangi M., Vidal F., Alguacil G., Jabour N. (2000). Propagation of regional seismic phase (Lg and Sn) and Pn velocity along the Africa-Iberia plate bounadary zone: tectonic implications. GJI, 142, 2, 384-408. Abstract.
Calvert A., Sandvol E., Seber D., Barazangi M., Roecker S., Mourabit T., Vidal F., Alguacil G. Jabour N. (2000). Geodynamic evolution of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Alboran region of the western Mediterranean: Constraints from travel time tomography. JGR, 105, B5, 10871-10898. Abstract.
Camelbeeck T., Alexandre P., Vanneste K. and Meghraoui M. (2000) Long-term seismicity in regions of present day low seismic activity: the example of western Europe. Soil dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 20, 5-8, 405-414. doi:10.1016/S0267-7261(00)00080-4.
Meghraoui M., Camelbeeck T, Vanneste K., Brondel M., Jongmans D. (2000). Active faulting and paleoseismology along the Bree fault, lower Rhine Graben, Belgium. JGR, 105, B6, 13,809-13,841. Abstract.
Mridekh Abdelaziz , El Arbi Toto, Mohamed Hafid and Abdelmajid El Ouataoui (2000). Structure sismique de la plate-forme Atlantique au large d'Agadir (Maroc sud-occidental)Atlantic shelf seismic structure to the large of Agadir (Southwest Morocco). Comptes Rendus Geosciences. 331, 5, 387-392. doi:10.1016/S1251-8050(00)01422-1.