Together for Better Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Assessment
Abacha Issam, Ivan Koulakov, Fethi Semmane and Abd Karim Yelles-Chaouche (2014). Seismic tomography of the area of the 2010 Beni-Ilmane earthquake sequence, north-central Algeria. Abstract.
Abtout A., H. Boukerbout, B. Bouyahiaoui, D. Gibert (2014). Gravimetric evidences of active faults and underground structure of the Cheliff seismogenic basin (Algeria). Journal of African Earth Sciences. Abstract.
Athmania Djamel and Hammadi Achour (2014). External Validation of the ASTER GDEM2, GMTED2010 and CGIAR-CSI- SRTM v4.1 Free Access Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in Tunisia and Algeria. Remote Sensing Journal. Abstract.
Badawy Ahmed A., A. AL-Werr, Sh. M. Ali (2014) Relative location and source mechanism of inland earthquakes in Northern Egypt. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 257-276. Abstract.
Bahrouni N., S. Bouaziz, A. Soumaya, N. Ben Ayed, K. Attafi, Y. Houla, A. El Ghali, N. Rebai (2014) Neotectonic and seismotectonic investigation of seismically active regions in Tunisia: a multidisciplinary approach. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 235-256. Abstract.
Benhamouche A., A. Nedjari, Y. Bouhadad, D. Machane, E. Oubaiche, N. Sidi Said (2014) Field evidence of seismites in Quaternary deposits of the Jijel (Eastern Algeria) coastal region. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 289-299. Abstract.
Bezzeghoud M., C. Adam, E. Buforn, J. F. Borges, B. Caldeira (2014) Seismicity along the Azores-Gibraltar region and global plate kinematics. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 205-220. Abstract.
Boukri Mehdi, Mohammed Naboussi Farsi, Ahmed Mebarki, Mohamed Belazougui, Omar Amellal, Brahim Mezazigh, Nabila Guessoum, Hamid Bourenane, Azzedine Benhamouche (2014) Seismic risk and damage prediction: case of the buildings in Constantine city (Algeria). Bull Earthquake Eng, DOI 10.1007/s10518-014-9594-0. Abstract.
Cakir Ziyadin, Semih Ergintav, Ahmet M. Akoğlu, Rahşan Çakmak, Orhan Tatar, Mustapha Meghraoui (2014). InSAR velocity field across the North Anatolian Fault (eastern Turkey): Implications for the loading and release of interseismic strain accumulation. Journal of Geophysical Research. Abstract.
Ferdi Sabah, Assia Harbi (2014) Roman literary and epigraphic sources for the study of historical seismicity in Algeria circa 42–420 ad. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 277-287. M. Meghraoui, A. Harbi, H. M. Hussein (2014) Preface to the special issue “Seismotectonics and Seismic hazards in North Africa”. Journal of Seismology, vol. 18, 203-204. Abstract.
Gherboudj Faouzi, Laouami Nasser (2014) Scalar and vector probabilistic seismic hazard analysis: application for Algiers City. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 319-330. Abstract.
Le Goff Boris, José Fernando Borges and Mourad Bezzeghoud (2014). Intensity-distance attenuation laws for the Portugal mainland using intensity data points. Geophysical Journal International. Abstract.
Mebarki Ahmed, Mehdi Boukri, Abderrahmane Laribi, Mohammed Farsi, Mohamed Belazougui, Fattoum Kharchi (2014), Seismic vulnerability: theory and application to Algerian buildings. Vol. 18, 2, 331-343. Abstract.
Meghraoui M., A. Harbi, H. M. Hussein (2014) Preface to the special issue “Seismotectonics and Seismic hazards in North Africa”. Journal of Seismology, vol. 18, 203-204. Article.
Mourabit T., K. M. Abou Elenean, A. Ayadi, D. Benouar, A. Ben Suleman, M. Bezzeghoud, A. Cheddadi, M. Chourak, M. N. ElGabry, A. Harbi, M. Hfaiedh, H. M. Hussein, J. Kacem, A. Ksentini, N. Jabour, A. Magrin, S. Maouche, M. Meghraoui, F. Ousadou, G. F. Panza, A. Peresan, N. Romdhane, F. Vaccari, E. Zuccolo (2014), Neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment in North Africa. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 301-318. Abstract.
Ousadou Farida, Louis Dorbath, Abdelhakim Ayadi, Catherine Dorbath, Sofiane Gharbi (2014). Stress field variations along the Maghreb region derived from inversion of major seismic crisis fault plane solutions. Tectonophysics. Abstract.
Pereira Nadine, Júlio F. Carneiro, Alexandre Araújo, Mourad Bezzeghoud, José Borges (2014). Seismic and structural geology constraints to the selection of CO2 storage sites—The case of the onshore Lusitanian basin, Portugal. Journal of Applied Geophysics. Abstract.
Timoulali Y., Y. Hahou, N. Jabour, R. Merrouch, A. El Kharrim (2014), Main features of the deep structure by local earthquake tomography and active tectonics: case of Rif Mountain (morocco) and Betic Cordillera (Spain). Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 221-234. Abstract.
Timoulali Youssef, Hamou Djellit, Youssef Hahou, Nacer Jabour, Redouane Merrouch (2014). New evidence of delamination in the Western Alboran Sea: Geodynamic evolution of the Alboran domain and its margins. Journal of Geodynamics. Abstract.
Woerd (van der) Jérôme, Catherine Dorbath, Farida Ousadou, Louis Dorbath, Bertrand Delouis, Eric Jacques, Paul Tapponnier, Youssef Hahou, Mohammed Menzhi, Michel Frogneux, Henri Haessler (2014) The Al Hoceima Mw 6.4 earthquake of 24 February 2004 and its aftershocks sequence. Journal of Geodynamics, DOI 10.1016/j.jog.2013.12.004 Abstract.
Abdel-Monem S. Mohamed, Gad-Elkareem A. Mohamed Khaled Omar, Abou-Aly Nadia (2013) Present stage of recent crustal movements and seismicity within Greater Cairo area, Egypt. J Seismol DOI 10.1007/s10950-013-9397-9. Abstract.
Algraeo Jamal, Samir Bouaziz (2013) The Wave Properties of Zuara Coast and Their Effects on the Marine Navigation. Open Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.4236/ojms.2013.32010. Article.
Areias P., H. G. Silva, N. Van Goethem, M. Bezzeghoud (2013). Damage-based fracture with electro-magnetic coupling.Computational Mechanics. Abstract.
Badal José l, Yun Chen, Mimoun Chourak, Jacek Stankiewicz (2013) S-wave velocity images of the Dead Sea Basin provided by ambient seismic noise. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 75, 26–35. Abstract.
Benchekroun S., A. Iben brahim, A. El mouraouah , L. Ouadif, K. Baba (2013) Maximum Magnitudes and Accelerations Determination in the Rif Mountain Belt, Northern Morocco. International Journal of Engineering Inventions,issue 6, 01-08. Article.
Bouhadad Youcef (2013) Occurrence and impact of characteristic earthquakes in northern Algeria. Natural Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-013-0704-0. Abstract.
Boukri Mehdi, Mohammed Naboussi Farsi, Ahmed Mébarki and Mohamed Belazougui (2013) Development of an integrated approach for Algerian building seismic damage assessment. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 47, No. 4 (2013) 471-493. Article.
Corchete V. and Chourak M. (2013). Shear-wave velocity structure of the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula from Rayleigh-wave dispersion analysis. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica March 2013, Volume 48, Issue 1, pp 87-107. Abstract.
Derder MEM., Henry B., Maouche S., Bayou B., Amena M., Besse J., Bessedik M., Belhai D., Ayache M. (2013). Transpressive tectonics along a major E–W crustal structure on the Algerian continental margin: Blocks rotations revealed by a paleomagnetic analysis. Tectonophysics, Vol. 593, 183–192. Abstract.
Hamdache M., J.A. Pelàez and A. Talbi (2013). Scaling Properties of Aftershock Sequences in Algeria-Morocco Region. Earth and Planetary Sciences » "Earthquake Research and Analysis - New Advances in Seismology", book edited by Sebastiano D'Amico, ISBN 978-953-51-1054-5, Published: March 20, 2013 under CC BY 3.0 license Article.
Hamoudi Hocine, Boualem Haddad, and Philippe Lognonné (2013) Study of a L2 patch antennas array for GNSS/GPS network. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP).
Hosny Ahmed, Sherif Ali, Azza Abed (2013) Study of the 26 December 2011 Aswan earthquake, Aswan area, South of Egypt. Arab Journal of Geosciences, DOI 10.1007/s12517-013-1098-8. Abstract.
Hosny Ahmed, Khaled Omar, Sherif M. Ali (2013) The Gulf of Suez earthquake, 30 January 2012, northeast of Egypt. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei. DOI 10.1007/s12210-013-0244-2. Abstract.
Khattach D., M.R. Houari V. Corchete, M. Chourak, R. El Gouta, H. Ghazala (2013). Main crustal discontinuities of Morocco derived from gravity data. Journal of Geodynamics, 68, 37-48.Abstract.
Louhibi Said, Mimoun Chourak, Elbachir El Kihel, Abdellah El Hammoumi and Abdelhalim Douiri (2013) Evaluation of the Seismic Vulnerability of Buildings in Al Hoceima (Morocco). International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering. Volume 06, 1505-511
Louhibi Said, Elbachir El Kihel, Mimoun Chourak (2013) Evaluation of the behavior factor of portal structures according to Moroccan seismic code RPS2000. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 9, Issue 1 PP. 27-33
Maouche Said, Mustapha Meghraoui, Christophe Morhange, Samir Belabbes, Youcef Bouhadad, Hamid Haddoum (2013) Reply to the comment of Pedoja et al. by Maouche, S., Meghraoui, M., Morhange, C., Belabbes, S., Bouhadad, Y. and Haddoum, H. on the published paper: Maouche, S., Meghraoui, M., Morhange, C., Belabbes, S., Bouhadad, Y. and Haddoum, H., 2011, Active coastal thrusting and folding, and uplift rate of the Sahel anticline and Zemmouri earthquake area (Tell Atlas, Algeria), Tectonophysics, 509 (2011) 69–80.Abstract .
Maouche Said, Abdeslam Abtout, Nacer-Eddine Merabet, Tahar Aïfa, Atmane Lamali, Boualem Bouyahiaoui, Sofiane Bougchiche, and Mohamed Ayache1 (2013). Tectonic and Hydrothermal Activities in Debagh, Guelma Basin (Algeria). Journal of Geological Research Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 409475, 13 pages. Article .
Meghraoui Mustapha, Silvia Pondrelli (2013) Active faulting and transpression tectonics along the plate boundary in North Africa. Annals of Geophysics, 55, 5, doi: 10.4401/ag-4970.Abstract.
Pro C. E. Buforn, M. Bezzeghoud, A. Udías. (2013): "The earthquakes of 29 July 2003, 12 February 2007, and 17 December 2009 in the region of Cape Saint Vincent (SW Iberia) and their relation with the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. Tectonophysics. Abstract.
Rebai Noamen, Hammadi Achour, Rochdi Chaabouni, Rania Bou Kheir and Samir Bouaziz (2013) DEM and GIS analysis of sub-watersheds to evaluate relative tectonic activity. A case study of the North–south axis (Central Tunisia). Earth Science Informatics, DOI 10.1007/s12145-013-0121-7. Abstract.
Silva Hugo Gonçalves, Mourad Bezzeghoud, Maria Manuela Oliveira, António Heitor Reis, Rui Namorado Rosa (2013). A simple statistical procedure for the analysis of radon anomalies associated with seismic activity. Annals of Geophysics. Abstract.
Smirnov Vladimir, Alexander Ponomarev, Pascal Bernard and Seid Bourouis (2013) Field experiment in Soultz-sous-Forêts 1993: Changes of the pattern of induced seismicity. Acta Geophysica, vol. 61, no. 6, Dec. 2013, pp. 1598-1625, DOI: 10.2478/s11600-013-0150-0. Abstract.
Yelles-Chaouche A. K., I. Abacha, F. Semmane, H. Beldjoudi, and H. Djellit (2013) The Beni-Ilmane (North-Central Algeria) Earthquake Sequence of May 2010. Pure and Applied Geophysics. DOI 10.1007/s00024-013-0709-3. Abstract.
Yelles-Chaouche A.,T.Allili, A.Alili, W.Messemen, H.Beldjoudi, F.Semmane, A.Kherroubi, H.Djellit, Y.Larbes, S. Haned, A. Deramchi, A.Amrani, A. Chouiref ,F.Chaoui, K.Khellaf, and C. NaitSidiSaid The new Algerian Digital Seismic Network (ADSN): towards an earthquake early-warning system Adv. Geosci., 36, 31–38, 2013. www.adv-geosci.net/36/31/2013/ doi:10.5194/adgeo-36-31-2013. Abstract.
Abacha Issam, Ivan Koulakov, Fethi Semmane and Abd Karim Yelles-Chaouche (2014). Seismic tomography of the area of the 2010 Beni-Ilmane earthquake sequence, north-central Algeria. Abstract.
Abtout A., H. Boukerbout, B. Bouyahiaoui, D. Gibert (2014). Gravimetric evidences of active faults and underground structure of the Cheliff seismogenic basin (Algeria). Journal of African Earth Sciences. Abstract.
Athmania Djamel and Hammadi Achour (2014). External Validation of the ASTER GDEM2, GMTED2010 and CGIAR-CSI- SRTM v4.1 Free Access Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in Tunisia and Algeria. Remote Sensing Journal. Abstract.
Badawy Ahmed A., A. AL-Werr, Sh. M. Ali (2014) Relative location and source mechanism of inland earthquakes in Northern Egypt. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 257-276. Abstract.
Bahrouni N., S. Bouaziz, A. Soumaya, N. Ben Ayed, K. Attafi, Y. Houla, A. El Ghali, N. Rebai (2014) Neotectonic and seismotectonic investigation of seismically active regions in Tunisia: a multidisciplinary approach. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 235-256. Abstract.
Benhamouche A., A. Nedjari, Y. Bouhadad, D. Machane, E. Oubaiche, N. Sidi Said (2014) Field evidence of seismites in Quaternary deposits of the Jijel (Eastern Algeria) coastal region. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 289-299. Abstract.
Bezzeghoud M., C. Adam, E. Buforn, J. F. Borges, B. Caldeira (2014) Seismicity along the Azores-Gibraltar region and global plate kinematics. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 205-220. Abstract.
Boukri Mehdi, Mohammed Naboussi Farsi, Ahmed Mebarki, Mohamed Belazougui, Omar Amellal, Brahim Mezazigh, Nabila Guessoum, Hamid Bourenane, Azzedine Benhamouche (2014) Seismic risk and damage prediction: case of the buildings in Constantine city (Algeria). Bull Earthquake Eng, DOI 10.1007/s10518-014-9594-0. Abstract.
Cakir Ziyadin, Semih Ergintav, Ahmet M. Akoğlu, Rahşan Çakmak, Orhan Tatar, Mustapha Meghraoui (2014). InSAR velocity field across the North Anatolian Fault (eastern Turkey): Implications for the loading and release of interseismic strain accumulation. Journal of Geophysical Research. Abstract.
Ferdi Sabah, Assia Harbi (2014) Roman literary and epigraphic sources for the study of historical seismicity in Algeria circa 42–420 ad. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 277-287. M. Meghraoui, A. Harbi, H. M. Hussein (2014) Preface to the special issue “Seismotectonics and Seismic hazards in North Africa”. Journal of Seismology, vol. 18, 203-204. Abstract.
Gherboudj Faouzi, Laouami Nasser (2014) Scalar and vector probabilistic seismic hazard analysis: application for Algiers City. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 319-330. Abstract.
Le Goff Boris, José Fernando Borges and Mourad Bezzeghoud (2014). Intensity-distance attenuation laws for the Portugal mainland using intensity data points. Geophysical Journal International. Abstract.
Mebarki Ahmed, Mehdi Boukri, Abderrahmane Laribi, Mohammed Farsi, Mohamed Belazougui, Fattoum Kharchi (2014), Seismic vulnerability: theory and application to Algerian buildings. Vol. 18, 2, 331-343. Abstract.
Meghraoui M., A. Harbi, H. M. Hussein (2014) Preface to the special issue “Seismotectonics and Seismic hazards in North Africa”. Journal of Seismology, vol. 18, 203-204. Article.
Mourabit T., K. M. Abou Elenean, A. Ayadi, D. Benouar, A. Ben Suleman, M. Bezzeghoud, A. Cheddadi, M. Chourak, M. N. ElGabry, A. Harbi, M. Hfaiedh, H. M. Hussein, J. Kacem, A. Ksentini, N. Jabour, A. Magrin, S. Maouche, M. Meghraoui, F. Ousadou, G. F. Panza, A. Peresan, N. Romdhane, F. Vaccari, E. Zuccolo (2014), Neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment in North Africa. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 301-318. Abstract.
Ousadou Farida, Louis Dorbath, Abdelhakim Ayadi, Catherine Dorbath, Sofiane Gharbi (2014). Stress field variations along the Maghreb region derived from inversion of major seismic crisis fault plane solutions. Tectonophysics. Abstract.
Pereira Nadine, Júlio F. Carneiro, Alexandre Araújo, Mourad Bezzeghoud, José Borges (2014). Seismic and structural geology constraints to the selection of CO2 storage sites—The case of the onshore Lusitanian basin, Portugal. Journal of Applied Geophysics. Abstract.
Timoulali Y., Y. Hahou, N. Jabour, R. Merrouch, A. El Kharrim (2014), Main features of the deep structure by local earthquake tomography and active tectonics: case of Rif Mountain (morocco) and Betic Cordillera (Spain). Journal of Seismology, Vol. 18, 2, 221-234. Abstract.
Timoulali Youssef, Hamou Djellit, Youssef Hahou, Nacer Jabour, Redouane Merrouch (2014). New evidence of delamination in the Western Alboran Sea: Geodynamic evolution of the Alboran domain and its margins. Journal of Geodynamics. Abstract.
Woerd (van der) Jérôme, Catherine Dorbath, Farida Ousadou, Louis Dorbath, Bertrand Delouis, Eric Jacques, Paul Tapponnier, Youssef Hahou, Mohammed Menzhi, Michel Frogneux, Henri Haessler (2014) The Al Hoceima Mw 6.4 earthquake of 24 February 2004 and its aftershocks sequence. Journal of Geodynamics, DOI 10.1016/j.jog.2013.12.004 Abstract.
Abdel-Monem S. Mohamed, Gad-Elkareem A. Mohamed Khaled Omar, Abou-Aly Nadia (2013) Present stage of recent crustal movements and seismicity within Greater Cairo area, Egypt. J Seismol DOI 10.1007/s10950-013-9397-9. Abstract.
Algraeo Jamal, Samir Bouaziz (2013) The Wave Properties of Zuara Coast and Their Effects on the Marine Navigation. Open Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.4236/ojms.2013.32010. Article.
Areias P., H. G. Silva, N. Van Goethem, M. Bezzeghoud (2013). Damage-based fracture with electro-magnetic coupling.Computational Mechanics. Abstract.
Badal José l, Yun Chen, Mimoun Chourak, Jacek Stankiewicz (2013) S-wave velocity images of the Dead Sea Basin provided by ambient seismic noise. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 75, 26–35. Abstract.
Benchekroun S., A. Iben brahim, A. El mouraouah , L. Ouadif, K. Baba (2013) Maximum Magnitudes and Accelerations Determination in the Rif Mountain Belt, Northern Morocco. International Journal of Engineering Inventions,issue 6, 01-08. Article.
Bouhadad Youcef (2013) Occurrence and impact of characteristic earthquakes in northern Algeria. Natural Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-013-0704-0. Abstract.
Boukri Mehdi, Mohammed Naboussi Farsi, Ahmed Mébarki and Mohamed Belazougui (2013) Development of an integrated approach for Algerian building seismic damage assessment. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 47, No. 4 (2013) 471-493. Article.
Corchete V. and Chourak M. (2013). Shear-wave velocity structure of the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula from Rayleigh-wave dispersion analysis. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica March 2013, Volume 48, Issue 1, pp 87-107. Abstract.
Derder MEM., Henry B., Maouche S., Bayou B., Amena M., Besse J., Bessedik M., Belhai D., Ayache M. (2013). Transpressive tectonics along a major E–W crustal structure on the Algerian continental margin: Blocks rotations revealed by a paleomagnetic analysis. Tectonophysics, Vol. 593, 183–192. Abstract.
Hamdache M., J.A. Pelàez and A. Talbi (2013). Scaling Properties of Aftershock Sequences in Algeria-Morocco Region. Earth and Planetary Sciences » "Earthquake Research and Analysis - New Advances in Seismology", book edited by Sebastiano D'Amico, ISBN 978-953-51-1054-5, Published: March 20, 2013 under CC BY 3.0 license Article.
Hamoudi Hocine, Boualem Haddad, and Philippe Lognonné (2013) Study of a L2 patch antennas array for GNSS/GPS network. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP).
Hosny Ahmed, Sherif Ali, Azza Abed (2013) Study of the 26 December 2011 Aswan earthquake, Aswan area, South of Egypt. Arab Journal of Geosciences, DOI 10.1007/s12517-013-1098-8. Abstract.
Hosny Ahmed, Khaled Omar, Sherif M. Ali (2013) The Gulf of Suez earthquake, 30 January 2012, northeast of Egypt. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei. DOI 10.1007/s12210-013-0244-2. Abstract.
Khattach D., M.R. Houari V. Corchete, M. Chourak, R. El Gouta, H. Ghazala (2013). Main crustal discontinuities of Morocco derived from gravity data. Journal of Geodynamics, 68, 37-48.Abstract.
Louhibi Said, Mimoun Chourak, Elbachir El Kihel, Abdellah El Hammoumi and Abdelhalim Douiri (2013) Evaluation of the Seismic Vulnerability of Buildings in Al Hoceima (Morocco). International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering. Volume 06, 1505-511
Louhibi Said, Elbachir El Kihel, Mimoun Chourak (2013) Evaluation of the behavior factor of portal structures according to Moroccan seismic code RPS2000. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 9, Issue 1 PP. 27-33
Maouche Said, Mustapha Meghraoui, Christophe Morhange, Samir Belabbes, Youcef Bouhadad, Hamid Haddoum (2013) Reply to the comment of Pedoja et al. by Maouche, S., Meghraoui, M., Morhange, C., Belabbes, S., Bouhadad, Y. and Haddoum, H. on the published paper: Maouche, S., Meghraoui, M., Morhange, C., Belabbes, S., Bouhadad, Y. and Haddoum, H., 2011, Active coastal thrusting and folding, and uplift rate of the Sahel anticline and Zemmouri earthquake area (Tell Atlas, Algeria), Tectonophysics, 509 (2011) 69–80.Abstract .
Maouche Said, Abdeslam Abtout, Nacer-Eddine Merabet, Tahar Aïfa, Atmane Lamali, Boualem Bouyahiaoui, Sofiane Bougchiche, and Mohamed Ayache1 (2013). Tectonic and Hydrothermal Activities in Debagh, Guelma Basin (Algeria). Journal of Geological Research Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 409475, 13 pages. Article .
Meghraoui Mustapha, Silvia Pondrelli (2013) Active faulting and transpression tectonics along the plate boundary in North Africa. Annals of Geophysics, 55, 5, doi: 10.4401/ag-4970.Abstract.
Pro C. E. Buforn, M. Bezzeghoud, A. Udías. (2013): "The earthquakes of 29 July 2003, 12 February 2007, and 17 December 2009 in the region of Cape Saint Vincent (SW Iberia) and their relation with the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. Tectonophysics. Abstract.
Rebai Noamen, Hammadi Achour, Rochdi Chaabouni, Rania Bou Kheir and Samir Bouaziz (2013) DEM and GIS analysis of sub-watersheds to evaluate relative tectonic activity. A case study of the North–south axis (Central Tunisia). Earth Science Informatics, DOI 10.1007/s12145-013-0121-7. Abstract.
Silva Hugo Gonçalves, Mourad Bezzeghoud, Maria Manuela Oliveira, António Heitor Reis, Rui Namorado Rosa (2013). A simple statistical procedure for the analysis of radon anomalies associated with seismic activity. Annals of Geophysics. Abstract.
Smirnov Vladimir, Alexander Ponomarev, Pascal Bernard and Seid Bourouis (2013) Field experiment in Soultz-sous-Forêts 1993: Changes of the pattern of induced seismicity. Acta Geophysica, vol. 61, no. 6, Dec. 2013, pp. 1598-1625, DOI: 10.2478/s11600-013-0150-0. Abstract.
Yelles-Chaouche A. K., I. Abacha, F. Semmane, H. Beldjoudi, and H. Djellit (2013) The Beni-Ilmane (North-Central Algeria) Earthquake Sequence of May 2010. Pure and Applied Geophysics. DOI 10.1007/s00024-013-0709-3. Abstract.
Yelles-Chaouche A.,T.Allili, A.Alili, W.Messemen, H.Beldjoudi, F.Semmane, A.Kherroubi, H.Djellit, Y.Larbes, S. Haned, A. Deramchi, A.Amrani, A. Chouiref ,F.Chaoui, K.Khellaf, and C. NaitSidiSaid The new Algerian Digital Seismic Network (ADSN): towards an earthquake early-warning system Adv. Geosci., 36, 31–38, 2013. www.adv-geosci.net/36/31/2013/ doi:10.5194/adgeo-36-31-2013. Abstract.