Together for Better Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Assessment
Akoglu A., Cakir Z., Meghraoui M., Belabbes S., El Alami S.O., Ergintav S., Akyuz S. (2006) The 1994-2004 Al Hoceima (Morocco) earthquake sequence: Conjugate fault ruptures deduced from InSAR. EPSL, 252, 3-4, 467-480. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.10.010.
Alasset P.J., Hébert H, Maouche S., Calbini V. and Meghraoui M. (2006). The Tsunami induced by the 2003 Zemmouri earthquake (Mw = 6.9, Algeria): modelling and results. Geophys. J. Int. 166 (213-226). Abstract.
Badawy A., Abdel-Monem S. M., Sakr K. and Sh. M. Ali (2006) Seismicity and kinematic evolution of middle Egypt. J. Geodynamics, 42(1-3): 28-37. Abstract.
Badawy A and A. K. Abdel-Fattah (2006) August 2001 earthquake sequence at Shadwan Island, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Geophysical Journal International 167(1): 288-296. Abstract.
Badrane S., Bahi L., Jabour N. and Iben Brahim A. (2006). Seismic site effect estimation in the city of Rabat (Morocco). J. Geophys. Eng 3, 207. Abstract.
Beldjoudi H., Guemache M. A., Kherroubi A., Semmane F. , Yelles-Chaouche A. (2006). The Laalam (Béjaïa, North-East Algeria) moderate earthquake (Mw = 5.2) on March 20, 2006. Pure. appl. geophys., 166, 4, 623-640. Abstract.
Cakir Z., Meghraoui M., Akoglu A., Jabour N., Belabbes S., Ait Ibrahim L. (2006) Surface deformation associated with the Mw 6.4, 24 February 2004, Al Hoceima, Morocco, earthquake deduced from InSAR: Implications for the active tectonics along North-Africa. BSSA, 96, 1, 59-68. Abstract.
Fadil A., Vernant P., McClusky S., Reilinger R., Gomez F., Ben Sari D., Mourabit T., Feigl K.and Barazangi M. (2006). Active tectonics of the western Mediterranean: Geodetic evidence for rollback of a delaminated subcontinental lithospheric slab beneath the Rif Mountains, Morocco. Geology. Abstract.
Hafid M., Zizi M., Bally A. W. and Ait Salem A. (2006). Structural styles of the western onshore and offshore termination of the High Atlas, Morocco. Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 338, 1-2, 50-64. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2005.10.007.
Hussein H.M., Marzouk I. Moustafa A.R. and Hurukawa N. (2006). Preliminary seismicity and focal mechanisms in the southern Gulf of Suez: August 1994 through December 1997. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 45, 1, 48-60. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2006.01.006.
Korrat I. M., H. M. Hussein, I. Marzouk, E. M. Ibrahim, R. Abdel-Fattah and N. Hurukawa (2006). Seismicity of the northernmost part of the Red Sea (1995-1999). Acta Geophysica, 54, 33-49. Abstract.
Laouami N., Slimani A., Bouhadad Y., Chatelain J.-L., Nour A. (2006). Evidence for fault-related directionality and localized site effects from strong motion recordings of the 2003 Boumerdes (Algeria) earthquake: Consequences on damage distribution and the Algerian seismic code. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 26 (11) 991-1003. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2006.03.038.
Nemer T., Meghraoui M. (2006) Evidence of coseismic ruptures along the Roum fault (Lebanon): a posible source for the AD 1837 earthquake. Journal of structural geology, 28, 8, 1483-1495. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2006.03.006.
Sebai A., Stutzmann E., Montagner J-P., Sicilia D., Beucler E. (2006). Anisotropic structue of the African upper mantle from Rayleigh and Love wave tomography. PEPI, v. 155, Issues 1-2, 48-62. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2005.09.009.
Yelles-Chaouche A., Boudiaf A., Djellit H., Bracene R. (2006). La tectonique active de la région nord-algérienne. C. R. Geosciences, 338, 126-139. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2005.11.002.
Abdel-Fattah A. K., Badawy A. and K. Kim (2007) Normal Faulting Mechanisms in the Western Desert of Egypt, Journal of Seismology 11 (1): 27-38. Abstract.
Abdessemed-Foufa A. and D. Benouar (2007). Damage Survey of the old nuclei of the Casbah of Dellys and performance of preventive traditional measures in the wake of the Boumerdes 2003 earthquake. European Earthquake Engineering Journal, 3, pp 10-20.
Abou Elenean, K. M. and H. M. Hussein (2007). Source Mechanism and Source Parameters of May 28, 1998 Earthquake, Egypt. Journal of Seismology 11, 259-274. Abstract.
Al Hassan A. A. I., Khidir Belail A., El Bachir H.S.H, Mohamed I. A. R., Mohammed M. B., El Tahir N. B. Havskov, J. (2007). The Sudanese seismic network. Seismological Research Letter, 78, N. 5. Abstract.
Borges J.F., Bezzeghoud M., Buforn E., Pro C., Fitas A. (2007). The 1980, 1997 and 1998 Azores earthquakes and some seismo-tectonic implications. Tectonopysics, 435, 1-4, 37-54. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.01.008
Bourouis S. and Bernard P. (2007). Evidence for coupled seismic and aseismic fault slip during water injection in the geothermal site of Soultz (France), and implications for seismogenic transcients. Geophys. J. Int. 169, 723-732. Abstract.
Chennouf Touria, Driss Khattach, Abdellah Milhi, Pierre Andrieux and Pierre Keating (2007). Principales lignes structurales du Maroc nord-oriental : apport de la gravimétrie. Major structural trends in northeastern Morocco: The contribution of gravimetry. Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 339, 6, 383-395. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2007.03.006.
Corchete V., Chourak M. and Hussein H. M. (2007). Shear wave velocity structure of the Sinaï Peninsula from Rayleigh wave analysis. Surveys in Geophysics, 28, 4, 299-324. Abstract.
Corchete V., M. Chourak, D. Khattach and E.H. Benaïm (2007). The high-resolution gravimetric geoid of Morocco: MORGEO. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 48, 4, 267, 272. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2007.04.002.
Cornet F. H., Bérard Th., Bourouis S. (2007). How close to failure is a granite rock mass at a 5 km depth ?. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 44, 1, 47-66. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2006.04.008.
Ferry M., Meghraoui M., Abou Karaki N. et al. (2007) A 48-Ky-long slip rate for the Jordan Valley segment of the Dead Sea fault. EPSL, 260, 3-4, 394-406. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.05.049.
Gomez F., Nemer T., Tabet C., Khawlie M., Meghraoui M., Barazangi M. (2007) Strain partitioning of active transpression within the Lebanese restraining bend of the Dead Sea Fault (Lebanon and SW Syria). Geological Society of London, 290, 285-303. Article.
Grandin R., Borges J.F, Bezzeghoud M., Caldeira B., Carrilho F. (2007). Simulation of strong motion in SW Iberia for the 1969 February 28 (Ms 8.0) and the 1755 November 1 (M ~ 8.5) earthquakes-II. Strong ground motion simulations. Geophysical Journal International, 171, 807-822. Article.
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Harbi, A., S. Maouche, F. Oussadou, Y. Rouchiche, A. Yelles, M. Merahi, A. Heddar, O. Nouar, A. Kherroubi, H. Beldjoudi, A. Ayadi, D. Benouar (2007) Macroseismic study of the Zemmouri earthquake of 21 May 2003 (Mw 6.8, Algeria), Earthquake spectra, Vol. 23, N°2, pp. 315-332. Abstract.
José A. Peláez, M. Chourak, B. A. Tadili, L. Aït Brahim, M. Hamdache, C. López Casado, and J. M. Martínez Solares., (2007). A Catalog of Main Moroccan Earthquakes from 1045 to 2005. SRL, v. 78; no. 6; p. 614-621. Abstract.
Missenard Yves, Zouhair Taki, Dominique Frizon de Lamotte, Mohamed Benammi, Mohamad Hafid, Pascale Leturmy and Michel Sébrier (2007). Tectonic styles in the Marrakesh High Atlas (Morocco): The role of heritage and mechanical stratigraphy. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 48, 4, 247-266. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2007.03.007.
Abou Elenean, K. M. and H. M. Hussein (2008). The October 11, 1999 and November 08, 2006 Beni Suef Earthquakes. Pure and Applied Geophysics 165, 1391-1410. Abstract.
Al Marzooqi, Y., Abou Elenean, K.M., Megahed, A.S., El-Hussain, I., Rodgers, A. J. and E. Al Khatibi (2008). Source mechanisms and source parameters of March 10 and September 13, 2007, United Arab Emirates Earthquakes. Tectonophysics 460, 237-247. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2008.08.017.
Ayadi A, Dorbath C. Ousadou F, Maouche S. Chikh M., Bounif M.A. and Meghraoui M. (2008). Zemmouri earthquake rupture zone (Mw 6.8, Algeria): Aftershocks sequence relocation and 3D velocity model. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 113. B090301. Abstract.
Badawy A., Abdel-Fattah, A., Ali Sh. and W. Farid (2008) Source parameters of the ML4.1 earthquake of November 08, 2006 southeast Beni-Suef, northern Egypt. Journal of Africa Earth Sciences, 51: 151-159. Abstract.
Bouhadad Y., Benhamouche A., Maouche S, Belhai D. (2008). Evidence of Quaternary liquefaction-induced features in the epicentral area of the 21 May 2003 Zemmouri earthquake (Algeria, Mw 6.8). Journal of Seismology. 13: 161-172. Abstract.
Corchete V., Chourak M., Khattach D. and. Benaïm E.H (2008). A new high-resolution gravimetric geoid for South Spain and the Gibraltar Strait area: SOSGIS. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 51, 3, 145-150. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2008.01.002 .
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Korrat I.M, Gharib A.A, Abou Elenean K.A, Hussein H.M. and ElGabry M.N. (2008). Spectral Characteristics of Natural and Artificial Seismic Events in the Lop Nor Test Site, China, Acta Geophysica, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 344-356. Abstract.
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Akoglu A., Cakir Z., Meghraoui M., Belabbes S., El Alami S.O., Ergintav S., Akyuz S. (2006) The 1994-2004 Al Hoceima (Morocco) earthquake sequence: Conjugate fault ruptures deduced from InSAR. EPSL, 252, 3-4, 467-480. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.10.010.
Alasset P.J., Hébert H, Maouche S., Calbini V. and Meghraoui M. (2006). The Tsunami induced by the 2003 Zemmouri earthquake (Mw = 6.9, Algeria): modelling and results. Geophys. J. Int. 166 (213-226). Abstract.
Badawy A., Abdel-Monem S. M., Sakr K. and Sh. M. Ali (2006) Seismicity and kinematic evolution of middle Egypt. J. Geodynamics, 42(1-3): 28-37. Abstract.
Badawy A and A. K. Abdel-Fattah (2006) August 2001 earthquake sequence at Shadwan Island, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Geophysical Journal International 167(1): 288-296. Abstract.
Badrane S., Bahi L., Jabour N. and Iben Brahim A. (2006). Seismic site effect estimation in the city of Rabat (Morocco). J. Geophys. Eng 3, 207. Abstract.
Beldjoudi H., Guemache M. A., Kherroubi A., Semmane F. , Yelles-Chaouche A. (2006). The Laalam (Béjaïa, North-East Algeria) moderate earthquake (Mw = 5.2) on March 20, 2006. Pure. appl. geophys., 166, 4, 623-640. Abstract.
Cakir Z., Meghraoui M., Akoglu A., Jabour N., Belabbes S., Ait Ibrahim L. (2006) Surface deformation associated with the Mw 6.4, 24 February 2004, Al Hoceima, Morocco, earthquake deduced from InSAR: Implications for the active tectonics along North-Africa. BSSA, 96, 1, 59-68. Abstract.
Fadil A., Vernant P., McClusky S., Reilinger R., Gomez F., Ben Sari D., Mourabit T., Feigl K.and Barazangi M. (2006). Active tectonics of the western Mediterranean: Geodetic evidence for rollback of a delaminated subcontinental lithospheric slab beneath the Rif Mountains, Morocco. Geology. Abstract.
Hafid M., Zizi M., Bally A. W. and Ait Salem A. (2006). Structural styles of the western onshore and offshore termination of the High Atlas, Morocco. Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 338, 1-2, 50-64. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2005.10.007.
Hussein H.M., Marzouk I. Moustafa A.R. and Hurukawa N. (2006). Preliminary seismicity and focal mechanisms in the southern Gulf of Suez: August 1994 through December 1997. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 45, 1, 48-60. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2006.01.006.
Korrat I. M., H. M. Hussein, I. Marzouk, E. M. Ibrahim, R. Abdel-Fattah and N. Hurukawa (2006). Seismicity of the northernmost part of the Red Sea (1995-1999). Acta Geophysica, 54, 33-49. Abstract.
Laouami N., Slimani A., Bouhadad Y., Chatelain J.-L., Nour A. (2006). Evidence for fault-related directionality and localized site effects from strong motion recordings of the 2003 Boumerdes (Algeria) earthquake: Consequences on damage distribution and the Algerian seismic code. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 26 (11) 991-1003. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2006.03.038.
Nemer T., Meghraoui M. (2006) Evidence of coseismic ruptures along the Roum fault (Lebanon): a posible source for the AD 1837 earthquake. Journal of structural geology, 28, 8, 1483-1495. doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2006.03.006.
Sebai A., Stutzmann E., Montagner J-P., Sicilia D., Beucler E. (2006). Anisotropic structue of the African upper mantle from Rayleigh and Love wave tomography. PEPI, v. 155, Issues 1-2, 48-62. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2005.09.009.
Yelles-Chaouche A., Boudiaf A., Djellit H., Bracene R. (2006). La tectonique active de la région nord-algérienne. C. R. Geosciences, 338, 126-139. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2005.11.002.
Abdel-Fattah A. K., Badawy A. and K. Kim (2007) Normal Faulting Mechanisms in the Western Desert of Egypt, Journal of Seismology 11 (1): 27-38. Abstract.
Abdessemed-Foufa A. and D. Benouar (2007). Damage Survey of the old nuclei of the Casbah of Dellys and performance of preventive traditional measures in the wake of the Boumerdes 2003 earthquake. European Earthquake Engineering Journal, 3, pp 10-20.
Abou Elenean, K. M. and H. M. Hussein (2007). Source Mechanism and Source Parameters of May 28, 1998 Earthquake, Egypt. Journal of Seismology 11, 259-274. Abstract.
Al Hassan A. A. I., Khidir Belail A., El Bachir H.S.H, Mohamed I. A. R., Mohammed M. B., El Tahir N. B. Havskov, J. (2007). The Sudanese seismic network. Seismological Research Letter, 78, N. 5. Abstract.
Borges J.F., Bezzeghoud M., Buforn E., Pro C., Fitas A. (2007). The 1980, 1997 and 1998 Azores earthquakes and some seismo-tectonic implications. Tectonopysics, 435, 1-4, 37-54. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.01.008
Bourouis S. and Bernard P. (2007). Evidence for coupled seismic and aseismic fault slip during water injection in the geothermal site of Soultz (France), and implications for seismogenic transcients. Geophys. J. Int. 169, 723-732. Abstract.
Chennouf Touria, Driss Khattach, Abdellah Milhi, Pierre Andrieux and Pierre Keating (2007). Principales lignes structurales du Maroc nord-oriental : apport de la gravimétrie. Major structural trends in northeastern Morocco: The contribution of gravimetry. Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 339, 6, 383-395. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2007.03.006.
Corchete V., Chourak M. and Hussein H. M. (2007). Shear wave velocity structure of the Sinaï Peninsula from Rayleigh wave analysis. Surveys in Geophysics, 28, 4, 299-324. Abstract.
Corchete V., M. Chourak, D. Khattach and E.H. Benaïm (2007). The high-resolution gravimetric geoid of Morocco: MORGEO. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 48, 4, 267, 272. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2007.04.002.
Cornet F. H., Bérard Th., Bourouis S. (2007). How close to failure is a granite rock mass at a 5 km depth ?. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 44, 1, 47-66. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2006.04.008.
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