Together for Better Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Assessment
Achour H., N. Rebai, J. Driessche and S. Bouaziz, "Modelling Uncertainty of Stream Networks Derived from Elevation Data Using Two Free Softwares: R and SAGA," Journal of Geographic Information System, Vol. 4 No. 2, 2012, pp. 153-160. doi: 10.4236/jgis.2012.42020.Article.
Areias P., H. G. Silva, N. Van Goethem, M. Bezzeghoud (2012) Damage-based fracture with electro-magnetic coupling. Comp. Mech., DOI: 10.1007/s00466-012-0742-6 Abstract.
Aldamegh K.S., Hussein Moussa H., Al-Arifi S. N., Moustafa S.S.R., Hemeda Moustafa M. (2012) Focal mechanism of Badr earthquake, Saudia Arabia of August 27, 2009. Arab J Geosci, 5: 599-606. Abstract.
Badari K., Makdeche S., Bellalem F. (2012) Probabilistic Model to Forecast Earthquakes in the Zemmouri (Algeria) Seismoactive Area on the Basis of Moment Magnitude Scale Distribution Functions. In press in Acta Geophysica. Abstract.
Badawy Ahmed and Morsy Mamdouh (2012) Seismic Wave Attenuation in the Greater Cairo Region, Egypt. Pure Appl. Geophys. 169, 1589–1600 Abstract.
Biagi P., F. Righetti, T. Maggipinto, L. Schiavulli, T. Ligonzo, A. Ermini, I. Moldovan, A. Moldovan, H. Silva, M. Bezzeghoud, M. Contadakis, D. Arabelos, T. Xenos and A. Buyuksarac (2012) Anomalies Observed in VLF and LF Radio Signals on the Occasion of the Western Turkey Earthquake (Mw = 5.7) on May 19, 2011," International Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 3 No. 24, 2012, pp. 856-865. doi: 10.4236/ijg.2012.324086. Article.
Caldeira B., Silva H. G., Borges J. F., Tlemcani M., Bezzeghoud M. (2012). Chaotic behavior of seismic mechanisms: experiment and observation. Annals of Geophysics, 55, 1. Article.
Cattaneo A., N. Babonneau, G. Ratzov, G. Dan-Unterseh, K. Yelles, R. Bracene, B. Mercier de Lepinay, A. Boudiaf and J. Deverchere (2012). Searching for the seafloor signature of the 21 May 2003 Boumerd`es earthquake offshore central Algeria A. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 2159–2172, 2012 Article.
Cetin E., Meghraoui M., Cakir Z., Akoglu A. M., Mimouni O., Chebbah M. (2012) Seven years of postseismic deformation following the 2003 Mw = 6.8 Zemmouri earthquake (Algeria) from InSAR time series. GRL, Vol. 39, L10307, 6PP doi:10.1029/2012GL051344.
Hamoudi Hocine, Boualem Haddad and Philippe Lognonne (2012). Design of an Antenna Array for GNSS/GPS Network. A. Elmoataz et al. (Eds.): ICISP 2012, LNCS 7340, pp. 183–190, 2012 Abstract.
Heddar A. C. Authemayou, H. Djellit, A.K. Yelles, J. Déverchère, S. Gharbi, A. Boudiaf, B. Van Vliet Lanoe (2012) Preliminary results of a paleoseismological analysis along the Sahel fault (Algeria): New evidence for historical seismic events. In press in Quaternary International. Abstract.
Hellel Mustapha, El Hadi Oubaiche, Jean-Luc Chatelain, Djamel Machane, Rabah Bensalem, Bertrand Guillier, and Ghani Cheikhlounis (2012) Basement Mapping with Single-Station and Array Ambient Vibration Data: Delineating Faults under Boumerdes City, Algeria. Seismological Research Letters Volume 83, Number 5, 798-805. Abstract.
Hosny Ali Ahmed, Sherif El Hady, Mariangela Guidarelli, Giuliano Panza (2012). Source moment tensors of the earthquake swarm in Abu-Dabbab area, south-east Egypt. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei 23:149–163 Abstract.
Hosny Ahmed, Mostafa Toni, Mohsen M.Attia, Awad Hassoup and Amr El-Sharkawy (2012) Vp/Vs Ratio and Moho Depth Determination Beneath the Crust of Tal El-Amarna Area, El Minya, Middle Egypt by Applying Receiver Function Method. Egy. J. Appl. Geophys., Vol. 11, September 2012. .
Laouami Nasser & Abdennasser Slimani (2012) Earthquake Induced Site Effect in the Algiers–Boumerdes Region: Relation Between Spectral Ratios Higher Peaks and Observed Damage During the May 21st Mw 6.8 Boumerdes Earthquake (Algeria). In press in Pure Appl. Geophys. Abstract.
Lazzali F., M. Farsi (2012). Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings in Algiers Area. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 61 2012 Article.
Lbadaoui A., A. Iben Brahim, L. Matias, W. H. Geissler, A. El Hammoumi, K. Gueraoui, A. El Mouraouah, M. Kasmi, I. Koulakov, S. Monna, N. Zitellini, E. Toto (2012). Body Waves Tomography from OBS-Recorded Earthquakes in the Gulf of Cadiz. International Review of Physics (I.R.E.PHY.), Vol. 6, N. 2 Abstract.
Meghraoui Mustapha, Silvia Pondrelli (2012). Active faulting and transpression tectonics along the plate boundary in North Africa. Annals of Geophysics, 55, 5. Abstract.
Mejri Hajer, Sanda Balescu, Michel Lamothe, Magali Barre, Hakim Abichou & Samir Bouaziz (2012). Feldspar Luminescence Evidence for Two Middle Peistocene Interglacial Sea-Level Highstands (MIS 7 ans MIS 9) Along the Eastern Coast of Tunisia (Sahel). Quaternaire, 23, 2, 177-188 Abstract.
Meslem A., Yamazaki F., Maruyama Y., Benouar D. , Kibboua A., Mehani Y. (2012). The effects of building characteristics and site conditions on the damage distribution in Boumerdes after the 2003 Algeria earthquake Abstract.
Oubaiche El Hadi, Jean-Luc Chatelain, Abderrahmane Bouguern, Rabah Bensalem, Djamel Machane, Mustapha Hellel, Fatma Khaldaoui, and Bertrand Guillier (2012). Experimental Relationship Between Ambient Vibration H/V Peak Amplitude and Shear-wave Velocity Contrast. Seismological Research Letter. Abstract.
Ousadou F., L. Dorbath, C. Dorbath, M. A. Bounif, H. Benhallou (2012). The Constantine (Algeria) seismic sequence of 27 October 1985: a new rupture model from aftershock relocation, focal mechanisms, and stress tensors. J Seismol, DOI 10.1007/s10950-012-9320-9 Abstract.
Pro C., Buforn E., Bezzeghoud M. and Udias A. (2012). The earthquakes of 29 July 2003, 12 February 2007, and 17 December 2009 in the region of Cape Saint Vincent (SW Iberia) and their relation with the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. In press in Tectonophysics. Abstract.
Righetti F., Biagi P. F., Maggipinto T., Schiavulli L., Ligonzo T., Ermini A., Moldovan I. A., Moldovan A. S., Buyuksarsarac A., Silva H. G., Bezzeghoud M., Contadakis M. E., Arabelos D. N., Xenos T. D. (2012). Wavelet analysis of the LF radio signals collected by the European VLF/LF network from July 2009 to April 2011. Annals of Geophysics, 55, 1. Article.
Semmane F., I. Abacha, A. K. Yelles-Chaouche, A. Haned, H. Beldjoudi, A. Amrani (2012). The earthquake swarm of December 2007 in the Mila region of northeastern Algeria. Nat Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0338-7 Abstract.
Silva H. G., Oliveira M. M., Serrano C., Bezzeghoud M., Reis A. H., Rosa R. N., Biagi P. F. (2012). Influence of seismic activity on the atmospheric electric field in Lisbon (Portugal) from 1955 to 1991. Annals of Geophysics, 55, 1. Article.
Beldjoudi H., Delouis B., Heddar A., Nouar O. B., Yelles-Chaouche A. (2011). The Tadjena earthquake (Mw = 5.0) of December 16, 2006 in the Cheliff region (Northern Algeria): Waveform modelling, regional stress, and relation with the Boukadir fault. Pure. appl. geophys., in press. Abstract.
Bezzeghoud M., Borges J.F., Caldeira B. (2011). Ground motion simulations of the SW Iberia margin: rupture directivity and earth structure effects Article.
Biagi P.F., Maggipinto T., Righetti F., Loiacono D., Schivulli L., Ligonzo T., Ermini A., Moldovan I. A., Moldovan A. S., Buyuksarac A., Silva H. G., Bezzeghoud M., Contadakis M. E. (2011). The The European VLF/LF radio network to search for earthquake precursors: setting up and natural/man-made disturbances. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 11, 333-341. Article.
Corchete V. and M. Chourak (2011). Shear-wave velocity structure of the south-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula from Rayleigh wave analysis. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 100, 1733-1747. Abstract.
Derder M.EM., Henry B., Amenna M., Bayou B., Maouche S., Besse J., Abtout A., Boukerbout H., Bessedik M., Bourouis S., Ayache M. (2011). Tectonic Evolution of the Active "Chelif" Basin (Northern Algeria) from paleomagnetic and Magnetic Fabric Investigations. In Tech - New Frontiers in Tectonic Research - At the Midst of Plate Convergence. Article.
Hamdache M., Pelaez J. A., Talbi A., Mobarki M., Lopez Casado C. (2011). Ground-motion hazard values for Northern Algeria. Pure Appl. Geophys, DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0333-z. Abstract.
Harbi A., Meghraoui M., Maouche S (2011). The Djidjelli (Algeria) earthquakes of 21 and 22 August (I0 IX, VIII) and related tsunami effects Revisited. Journal of Seismology. 15. N. 1, 105-129. Abstract.
Hosny A., El Hady Sh., Guidarelli M. and Panza G. F. (2011) South moment Tensors of the earthquake swarm in Abu-Dabbab area, South-East Egypt. Rendiconti Lincei, accepted.
Hussein H. M., Moustafa S.S.R., Elwadi E., EL Arifi N.S and Hurukawa N. (2011). Seismological aspects of the Abou Dabbab region, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Seismological Research Letter, 82, 1. Abstract.
Kouali A., Ouazar D., Tahayt A., King R. W., Vernant P., Reilinger R.E., McClusky S., Mourabit T., Davila J.M., Amraoui N.(2011). New GPS constraints on active deformation along the Africa-Iberia plate boundary. EPSL, 308, 211-217. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.05.048.
Lin J., Stein R.S., Meghraoui M., Toda S., Ayadi A., Belabbes S. (2011. Stress transfer among en echelon and opposing thrusts and tear faults: Triggering caused by the 2003 Mw = 6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, earthquake. JGR, 116, B03305. Abstract.
Maouche S., Meghraoui M., Morhange C., Belabbès S., Bouhadad Y., Haddoum H. (2011). Active coastal thrusting and folding, and uplift rate of the Sahel Anticline and Zemmouri earthquake area (Tell Atlas, Algeria). Tectonophysics, 509, 69-80. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.06.003.
Meslem A., Yamazaki F. & Maruyama Y. (2011). Accurate Evaluation of Building Damage in the 2003 Boumerdes, Algeria Earthquake from Quickbird Satellite Images: Journal of Earthquake And Tsunami, v. 5, issue 1, pp; 1-18. doi:10.1142/S1793431111001029.
Morsy M., Hussein H.M, Abou Elenean K.M., El Hady Sh. (2011). Stress field in the central and northern parts of the Gulf of Suez area, Egypt from earthquake fault plane solutions. Journal of African Earth Sciences, vol. 60, Issue 5, pp. 293-302 doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2011.03.006.
Ouyed M., Idres M., Bourmatte A., Boughacha M. S., Samai S., Yelles A., Haned A., Aidi C. (2011). Attempt to identify seismic sources in the eastern Mitidja basin using gravity data and aftershock sequence of the Boumerdes (May, 21, 2003; Algeria) earthquake. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 15, N. 2, 173-189. Abstract.
Parfait Noel Eloumala Onana, El Arbi Toto, Lahcen Zouhri,Abdelkader Chaabane, Azelarab El Mouraouah and Aomar Iben Brahim. (2011). Recent seismicity of Central High Atlas and Ouarzazate basin (Morocco). Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (in press). Abstract.
Silva H. G., Bezzeghoud M., Rocha J. P., Biagi P. F., Tlemcani M., Rosa R. N., Salgueiro da Silva M. A., Borges J. F., Caldeira B., Reis A.H., Manso M. (2011). Seismo-electromagnetic phenomena in the western part of the Eurasia-Nubia plate boundary. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 241-248. Article.
Timoulali Y., Meghraoui M. (2011). 3-D crustal structure in the Agadir region (SW High Atlas, Morocco). Journal of Seismology, vol. 15, N. 4, 625-635. Abstract.
Achour H., N. Rebai, J. Driessche and S. Bouaziz, "Modelling Uncertainty of Stream Networks Derived from Elevation Data Using Two Free Softwares: R and SAGA," Journal of Geographic Information System, Vol. 4 No. 2, 2012, pp. 153-160. doi: 10.4236/jgis.2012.42020.Article.
Areias P., H. G. Silva, N. Van Goethem, M. Bezzeghoud (2012) Damage-based fracture with electro-magnetic coupling. Comp. Mech., DOI: 10.1007/s00466-012-0742-6 Abstract.
Aldamegh K.S., Hussein Moussa H., Al-Arifi S. N., Moustafa S.S.R., Hemeda Moustafa M. (2012) Focal mechanism of Badr earthquake, Saudia Arabia of August 27, 2009. Arab J Geosci, 5: 599-606. Abstract.
Badari K., Makdeche S., Bellalem F. (2012) Probabilistic Model to Forecast Earthquakes in the Zemmouri (Algeria) Seismoactive Area on the Basis of Moment Magnitude Scale Distribution Functions. In press in Acta Geophysica. Abstract.
Badawy Ahmed and Morsy Mamdouh (2012) Seismic Wave Attenuation in the Greater Cairo Region, Egypt. Pure Appl. Geophys. 169, 1589–1600 Abstract.
Biagi P., F. Righetti, T. Maggipinto, L. Schiavulli, T. Ligonzo, A. Ermini, I. Moldovan, A. Moldovan, H. Silva, M. Bezzeghoud, M. Contadakis, D. Arabelos, T. Xenos and A. Buyuksarac (2012) Anomalies Observed in VLF and LF Radio Signals on the Occasion of the Western Turkey Earthquake (Mw = 5.7) on May 19, 2011," International Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 3 No. 24, 2012, pp. 856-865. doi: 10.4236/ijg.2012.324086. Article.
Caldeira B., Silva H. G., Borges J. F., Tlemcani M., Bezzeghoud M. (2012). Chaotic behavior of seismic mechanisms: experiment and observation. Annals of Geophysics, 55, 1. Article.
Cattaneo A., N. Babonneau, G. Ratzov, G. Dan-Unterseh, K. Yelles, R. Bracene, B. Mercier de Lepinay, A. Boudiaf and J. Deverchere (2012). Searching for the seafloor signature of the 21 May 2003 Boumerd`es earthquake offshore central Algeria A. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 2159–2172, 2012 Article.
Cetin E., Meghraoui M., Cakir Z., Akoglu A. M., Mimouni O., Chebbah M. (2012) Seven years of postseismic deformation following the 2003 Mw = 6.8 Zemmouri earthquake (Algeria) from InSAR time series. GRL, Vol. 39, L10307, 6PP doi:10.1029/2012GL051344.
Hamoudi Hocine, Boualem Haddad and Philippe Lognonne (2012). Design of an Antenna Array for GNSS/GPS Network. A. Elmoataz et al. (Eds.): ICISP 2012, LNCS 7340, pp. 183–190, 2012 Abstract.
Heddar A. C. Authemayou, H. Djellit, A.K. Yelles, J. Déverchère, S. Gharbi, A. Boudiaf, B. Van Vliet Lanoe (2012) Preliminary results of a paleoseismological analysis along the Sahel fault (Algeria): New evidence for historical seismic events. In press in Quaternary International. Abstract.
Hellel Mustapha, El Hadi Oubaiche, Jean-Luc Chatelain, Djamel Machane, Rabah Bensalem, Bertrand Guillier, and Ghani Cheikhlounis (2012) Basement Mapping with Single-Station and Array Ambient Vibration Data: Delineating Faults under Boumerdes City, Algeria. Seismological Research Letters Volume 83, Number 5, 798-805. Abstract.
Hosny Ali Ahmed, Sherif El Hady, Mariangela Guidarelli, Giuliano Panza (2012). Source moment tensors of the earthquake swarm in Abu-Dabbab area, south-east Egypt. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei 23:149–163 Abstract.
Hosny Ahmed, Mostafa Toni, Mohsen M.Attia, Awad Hassoup and Amr El-Sharkawy (2012) Vp/Vs Ratio and Moho Depth Determination Beneath the Crust of Tal El-Amarna Area, El Minya, Middle Egypt by Applying Receiver Function Method. Egy. J. Appl. Geophys., Vol. 11, September 2012. .
Laouami Nasser & Abdennasser Slimani (2012) Earthquake Induced Site Effect in the Algiers–Boumerdes Region: Relation Between Spectral Ratios Higher Peaks and Observed Damage During the May 21st Mw 6.8 Boumerdes Earthquake (Algeria). In press in Pure Appl. Geophys. Abstract.
Lazzali F., M. Farsi (2012). Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings in Algiers Area. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 61 2012 Article.
Lbadaoui A., A. Iben Brahim, L. Matias, W. H. Geissler, A. El Hammoumi, K. Gueraoui, A. El Mouraouah, M. Kasmi, I. Koulakov, S. Monna, N. Zitellini, E. Toto (2012). Body Waves Tomography from OBS-Recorded Earthquakes in the Gulf of Cadiz. International Review of Physics (I.R.E.PHY.), Vol. 6, N. 2 Abstract.
Meghraoui Mustapha, Silvia Pondrelli (2012). Active faulting and transpression tectonics along the plate boundary in North Africa. Annals of Geophysics, 55, 5. Abstract.
Mejri Hajer, Sanda Balescu, Michel Lamothe, Magali Barre, Hakim Abichou & Samir Bouaziz (2012). Feldspar Luminescence Evidence for Two Middle Peistocene Interglacial Sea-Level Highstands (MIS 7 ans MIS 9) Along the Eastern Coast of Tunisia (Sahel). Quaternaire, 23, 2, 177-188 Abstract.
Meslem A., Yamazaki F., Maruyama Y., Benouar D. , Kibboua A., Mehani Y. (2012). The effects of building characteristics and site conditions on the damage distribution in Boumerdes after the 2003 Algeria earthquake Abstract.
Oubaiche El Hadi, Jean-Luc Chatelain, Abderrahmane Bouguern, Rabah Bensalem, Djamel Machane, Mustapha Hellel, Fatma Khaldaoui, and Bertrand Guillier (2012). Experimental Relationship Between Ambient Vibration H/V Peak Amplitude and Shear-wave Velocity Contrast. Seismological Research Letter. Abstract.
Ousadou F., L. Dorbath, C. Dorbath, M. A. Bounif, H. Benhallou (2012). The Constantine (Algeria) seismic sequence of 27 October 1985: a new rupture model from aftershock relocation, focal mechanisms, and stress tensors. J Seismol, DOI 10.1007/s10950-012-9320-9 Abstract.
Pro C., Buforn E., Bezzeghoud M. and Udias A. (2012). The earthquakes of 29 July 2003, 12 February 2007, and 17 December 2009 in the region of Cape Saint Vincent (SW Iberia) and their relation with the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. In press in Tectonophysics. Abstract.
Righetti F., Biagi P. F., Maggipinto T., Schiavulli L., Ligonzo T., Ermini A., Moldovan I. A., Moldovan A. S., Buyuksarsarac A., Silva H. G., Bezzeghoud M., Contadakis M. E., Arabelos D. N., Xenos T. D. (2012). Wavelet analysis of the LF radio signals collected by the European VLF/LF network from July 2009 to April 2011. Annals of Geophysics, 55, 1. Article.
Semmane F., I. Abacha, A. K. Yelles-Chaouche, A. Haned, H. Beldjoudi, A. Amrani (2012). The earthquake swarm of December 2007 in the Mila region of northeastern Algeria. Nat Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0338-7 Abstract.
Silva H. G., Oliveira M. M., Serrano C., Bezzeghoud M., Reis A. H., Rosa R. N., Biagi P. F. (2012). Influence of seismic activity on the atmospheric electric field in Lisbon (Portugal) from 1955 to 1991. Annals of Geophysics, 55, 1. Article.
Beldjoudi H., Delouis B., Heddar A., Nouar O. B., Yelles-Chaouche A. (2011). The Tadjena earthquake (Mw = 5.0) of December 16, 2006 in the Cheliff region (Northern Algeria): Waveform modelling, regional stress, and relation with the Boukadir fault. Pure. appl. geophys., in press. Abstract.
Bezzeghoud M., Borges J.F., Caldeira B. (2011). Ground motion simulations of the SW Iberia margin: rupture directivity and earth structure effects Article.
Biagi P.F., Maggipinto T., Righetti F., Loiacono D., Schivulli L., Ligonzo T., Ermini A., Moldovan I. A., Moldovan A. S., Buyuksarac A., Silva H. G., Bezzeghoud M., Contadakis M. E. (2011). The The European VLF/LF radio network to search for earthquake precursors: setting up and natural/man-made disturbances. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 11, 333-341. Article.
Corchete V. and M. Chourak (2011). Shear-wave velocity structure of the south-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula from Rayleigh wave analysis. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 100, 1733-1747. Abstract.
Derder M.EM., Henry B., Amenna M., Bayou B., Maouche S., Besse J., Abtout A., Boukerbout H., Bessedik M., Bourouis S., Ayache M. (2011). Tectonic Evolution of the Active "Chelif" Basin (Northern Algeria) from paleomagnetic and Magnetic Fabric Investigations. In Tech - New Frontiers in Tectonic Research - At the Midst of Plate Convergence. Article.
Hamdache M., Pelaez J. A., Talbi A., Mobarki M., Lopez Casado C. (2011). Ground-motion hazard values for Northern Algeria. Pure Appl. Geophys, DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0333-z. Abstract.
Harbi A., Meghraoui M., Maouche S (2011). The Djidjelli (Algeria) earthquakes of 21 and 22 August (I0 IX, VIII) and related tsunami effects Revisited. Journal of Seismology. 15. N. 1, 105-129. Abstract.
Hosny A., El Hady Sh., Guidarelli M. and Panza G. F. (2011) South moment Tensors of the earthquake swarm in Abu-Dabbab area, South-East Egypt. Rendiconti Lincei, accepted.
Hussein H. M., Moustafa S.S.R., Elwadi E., EL Arifi N.S and Hurukawa N. (2011). Seismological aspects of the Abou Dabbab region, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Seismological Research Letter, 82, 1. Abstract.
Kouali A., Ouazar D., Tahayt A., King R. W., Vernant P., Reilinger R.E., McClusky S., Mourabit T., Davila J.M., Amraoui N.(2011). New GPS constraints on active deformation along the Africa-Iberia plate boundary. EPSL, 308, 211-217. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.05.048.
Lin J., Stein R.S., Meghraoui M., Toda S., Ayadi A., Belabbes S. (2011. Stress transfer among en echelon and opposing thrusts and tear faults: Triggering caused by the 2003 Mw = 6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, earthquake. JGR, 116, B03305. Abstract.
Maouche S., Meghraoui M., Morhange C., Belabbès S., Bouhadad Y., Haddoum H. (2011). Active coastal thrusting and folding, and uplift rate of the Sahel Anticline and Zemmouri earthquake area (Tell Atlas, Algeria). Tectonophysics, 509, 69-80. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.06.003.
Meslem A., Yamazaki F. & Maruyama Y. (2011). Accurate Evaluation of Building Damage in the 2003 Boumerdes, Algeria Earthquake from Quickbird Satellite Images: Journal of Earthquake And Tsunami, v. 5, issue 1, pp; 1-18. doi:10.1142/S1793431111001029.
Morsy M., Hussein H.M, Abou Elenean K.M., El Hady Sh. (2011). Stress field in the central and northern parts of the Gulf of Suez area, Egypt from earthquake fault plane solutions. Journal of African Earth Sciences, vol. 60, Issue 5, pp. 293-302 doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2011.03.006.
Ouyed M., Idres M., Bourmatte A., Boughacha M. S., Samai S., Yelles A., Haned A., Aidi C. (2011). Attempt to identify seismic sources in the eastern Mitidja basin using gravity data and aftershock sequence of the Boumerdes (May, 21, 2003; Algeria) earthquake. Journal of Seismology, Vol. 15, N. 2, 173-189. Abstract.
Parfait Noel Eloumala Onana, El Arbi Toto, Lahcen Zouhri,Abdelkader Chaabane, Azelarab El Mouraouah and Aomar Iben Brahim. (2011). Recent seismicity of Central High Atlas and Ouarzazate basin (Morocco). Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (in press). Abstract.
Silva H. G., Bezzeghoud M., Rocha J. P., Biagi P. F., Tlemcani M., Rosa R. N., Salgueiro da Silva M. A., Borges J. F., Caldeira B., Reis A.H., Manso M. (2011). Seismo-electromagnetic phenomena in the western part of the Eurasia-Nubia plate boundary. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 241-248. Article.
Timoulali Y., Meghraoui M. (2011). 3-D crustal structure in the Agadir region (SW High Atlas, Morocco). Journal of Seismology, vol. 15, N. 4, 625-635. Abstract.