Working Together for Better Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Assessment

The North Africa Seismological Group (NASG) was founded in 2000 at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics. It is a collaboration of researchers from leading universities and research institutions in North Africa. The coordination of the NASG rotated among the participating countries:

2001-2003:  Dr.  Attiya El Sayed from Mansourah University (Egypt)
2003-2006:  Prof. Djillali Benouar from Algiers University (Algeria)
2007-2010:  Prof. Taoufik Mourabit from Tanger University (Morocco)
2010-Now:   Dr.  Assia Harbi from the Center of Research of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Geophysics (Algiers, Algeria).

    The NASG, in collaboration with the ICTP Earth System Physics Section and ICTP SAND group, has achieved many goals. The different groups have published several papers and promoted seismic risk reduction in North Africa:

Cooperation, since 1999, between Mansoura University, NRIAG, in Egypt and ICTP SAND Group produced several papers in international journals.
Cooperation between University of Tanger in Morocco and University of Mansoura in Egypt since 2001 and this cooperation produced about three papers in field of seismic tomography and gravity.
Cooperation between University of Tanger in Morocco and NRIAG in Egypt since 2004 in field of Surface wave dispersion.

Cooperation between University of Algiers and CRAAG in Algeria and ICTP ESP Section following the 2003 Zemmouri earthquake (Mw 6.8) produced a large number of papers.

    In the same way, the NASG has contributed to enhance the expertise of many scientists from North Africa as Prof. Djillali BENOUAR, who has been attributed in 2005 a UNESCO Award for his contribution in Disaster Risk reduction.
    Since the Workshop (Algiers, 15-21 May, 2010) on “Geophysics, Geodesy and Tectonics of the North Africa Plate Boundary for Better Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Assessments” organized by ICTP and the DG-RSDT (Organizers: Aoudia A., Aourag H. and Meghraoui M.), many North African Scientists expressed their desire to join the group. Broadening the group to all scientists, working on earthquakes and Tsunami using related fields of Earth sciences, was discussed during a meeting hold for that purpose on the 20th May, bringing together the former and the new members present at that workshop. Then a new and more appropriate acronym was proposed: “North African Group for Earthquake and Tsunami” studies. The number of the members has substantially increased from about 15 to 100. Now, NAGET is constituted not only by Seismologists but also by Geophysicists, Geologists, Engineers, Geodesists, Architects, Historians, etc.