Working Together for Better Earthquake and Tsunami Hazard Assessment

The scientific fields of cooperation correspond to different profiles of the members constituting NAGET and are:

General fields:

    Historical and modern seismology
    Active tectonics and seismotectonics
    Engineering seismology
    Space geodesy
    Seismic zoning and microzoning in megacities and urban areas
    Regional seismic and tsunami hazard assessment
    Identification of the tsunamigenic zones along the North Africa coast
    Seismic vulnerability
    Seismic risk.

Specific fields of interest:

    Compilation of a unified earthquake catalogue
    Historical earthquake database
    Regional active faults and seismic sources database
    Regional tomography
    Stress transfer
    Regional deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard assessment
    Site effects
    Seismic vulnerability and pathologies of historical buildings
    Tsunami physics and paleo-tsunami studies
    Tsunami and zones prone to flooding
   The tsunami vulnerability assessment on structures and related effects
   The long term probabilistic approach about expected tsunami effects on the population and infrastructures.