Latitude Longitude Intensity Site 36.2622222 2.2180556 F* Affreville 36.7630556 3.0505556 4 Alger 36.7305556 3.4102778 F Alma 36.7297222 3.4988889 F Bellefontaine 36.7127778 3.0616667 F Birkhadem 36.4686111 2.8288889 4-5 Blida 36.2333333 2.5666667 F Borely-la-Sapie 36.5705556 2.9108333 F Boufarik 36.6427778 2.6963889 F Castiglione 36.3 2.35 F Changarnier 36.6761111 2.9819444 F Crescia 36.67 2.9444444 F Douera 36.4669444 2.6252778 5 El Affroun 36.7255556 3.0933333 F Kouba 36.2747222 2.715 F Lodi 36.5138889 2.4177778 F Marengo 36.3 2.2833333 F Miliana 36.5111111 1.3119444 3 Tenes 35.8711111 2.0280556 F Theniet el Had 36.1366667 2.9130556 F Berrouaghia 36.2675 2.75 F Medea * This locality was reported as site where the earthquake was felt, but without enough information to estimate the intensity at that site.